Women's Health - Complete Care Doctors
Depending on the stage of life, women's needs will vary, be it puberty, adolescence, young adulthood, pregnancy, childbirth, middle age, menopause or mature age.
Your doctor can assist with the specific health needs relating to contraception, reproductive health, pregnancy, post-natal care, hormonal fluctuations and menopause.
They can also advise what proactive steps are available to reduce the personal risk factors for chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
One way of being proactive about your health is by having regular health checks. These checks aim to determine your general health status along with any early warning signs of potential disease or illness. By having health issues, such as heart disease or cancer identified earlier, there is a better chance of optimising their management.
Other than general health checks such as blood pressure and cholesterol, there are more specific tests that your doctor may recommend. These tests vary depending on factors such as your age, family medical history and your current health.
Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, yet routine cervical screening can provide protection.
A vaccine is also available for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), providing another layer of protection, as HPV is the cause of almost all cervical cancer.
The HPV vaccination program is available to all teenagers.
Cervical Screening Tests are for women aged between 25 and 75 years old. If your results are normal, then this test should be performed every five years.
More information about these two preventative programs are available here www.cancer.org.au/cervicalscreening/
Some countries have seen a decrease in GP involvement of pregnancy care, yet Australia's general practitioners continue to be providers of high-quality antenatal care.
It's not surprising then that Australia is one of the safest countries in the world in which to give birth or to be born.
Australian guidelines for antenatal care recommend having the first antenatal visit within the first ten weeks of pregnancy and 7–10 follow-up visits.
Good antenatal care will provide regular screening which may detect and help prevent early complications such as hypertension and pregnancy-related diabetes.
Complete Care Doctors can assist with all your pregnancy care needs and provide health after birth for both mother and baby.
Trying to find a contraceptive method that suits your needs can be a daunting task.
With knowledge of your medical history and as the primary point of healthcare, your doctor is well-placed to assist.
Amongst many other options the doctors can IUD contraception
A doctors consultation can provide a comfortable environment in which to discuss any queries, create a plan and manage any concerns.